In the second half of the 20th century, Raymond Rohauer was one of the most important supporters of American experimental cinema. The collection of these two CDs continues Kino's tribute to Rohall's collection, including early works by Stan Blakach and influential films by Willard Maas, Gregory Markopoulos, Mary Mencken, Dimitri Kilsanov, Jean Mitri, Sidney Peterson, and others. Rebellion is Aesop's passionate declaration of film aesthetics; In 1951, "Venom and Eternity" caused a riot during its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. This issue of Venom features 34 minutes of footage that the United States has never seen before. The music composed and performed by Sue Harshe, Larry Marotta, and Jon C. Mirsalis was produced by Bret Wood and supervised by Brian Shirey. Special thanks to Tim Lanza for obtaining permission from Douris Corp.