Reunion "is a TV series that combines character drama and mystery, marking a groundbreaking concept as it chronicles the lives of a group of six friends over 20 years - all completed in one season. From the hopes and dreams of an 18-year-old child to the irreversible reality that marks their life 20 years later, Reunion's story tells of love and loss, marriage and death, victory and scandal. Will Estes (U-571, "American Dream") yearns to leave his small town. With the help of the sports scholarship, he will become the first person in his family to go to college. Craig (played by Sean Faris, "The Life We Know") is handsome and privileged, looking forward to entering the Ivy League with his girlfriend Samantha (played by Alexa Davalos, "The Riddick Chronicles"), whose ambition is second only to her appearance and intelligence. Beautiful and sexy JENNA (played by Amanda Righetti, O.C.) dreams of becoming an actress; Behind the cynicism, AARON (played by Dave Annable in "Little Black Book") dreams that his relationship with Jenna will transcend friendship. Kara (Chile Lee, "No Longer a Teen Movie") is innocent and quirky, and must make a choice between being loyal to her father and being close to her best friend. Reunion opened in 2005 at the funeral of a friend whose death is under investigation by detective MARJORINO (Matthew St. Patrick, "Six Feet Under"). Before the identity of the deceased was revealed, we went back to 1986 when the organization was celebrating their high school graduation ceremony. The pilot episode tells the story of all six people in the summer of 1986, and we witness the formative event that forever changed their dreams and desires. The second episode found this group one year later in 1987; The third episode tells the story of a groundbreaking event in 1988 and concludes at the 20th high school reunion of friends. Reunion will also strive to answer the two important questions raised in the first episode: Which friend died? How did death happen?