"Zero Hour" is a Canadian/British documentary style television series that is broadcasted on history channels in the United States, Canadian history television stations, and the BBC in the United Kingdom. "Zero Hour" is also broadcasted on Channel 7 in Australia (the third season was broadcasted on Channel 10 on May 1, 2010 and is now airing on July 7); Explore channels in Africa, Asia, New Zealand, Brazil, and the Netherlands. The focus of this program is to recount the details of each tragic man-made disaster that lasted less than an hour. Some dramas have been partially censored due to specific radio programs. An example is an episode of the Columbine High School Massacre, in which some scenes were cut off (due to intense violence, foul language, and racial defamation) when aired on the Discovery Channel. Season 3 (2006) # Title Disaster 1; SAS Mission Impossible”; On September 10, 2000, Operation Balas, a boy from the West Side kidnapped a member of the Royal Irish Regiment of the British Army as a hostage. In the subsequent rescue operation, an estimated 56 people were killed, 12 were injured, and 18 WSBs were captured. 2 "; Falling Star - Colombia; On February 1, 2003, the Columbia space shuttle disintegrated over Texas and Louisiana during its re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in the death of all seven crew members. 3 "; Royal Massacre - Nepal; On June 1, 2001, during the Nepalese Royal Massacre, Crown Prince Dipendra Bill Bikram Shah killed 9 people and injured 5 others in a house in the Narayanhiti Palace. Three days later, he committed suicide by shooting himself on June 6, 2001. 4 "; The hostage rescue in Lima; On April 22, 1997, during a raid on the Japanese Embassy in Lima by the Peruvian Armed Forces, hundreds of senior diplomats, government and military officials, as well as corporate executives, were released from 14 members of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA). One hostage, two assault team members, and all MRTA militants died. 5 "; The North Hollywood shooting case; On February 28, 1997, two fully armed bank robbers, Larry Eugene Phillips Jr. and Emile Dechebar Matasarenu, engaged in a gunfight with over 300 Los Angeles police officers in North Hollywood, Los Angeles. Nearly 2000 rounds of ammunition fired by robbers and police resulted in the deaths of two robbers, injuries to 11 police officers and 7 civilians, and damage or destruction to many vehicles and other property. 6 "; Marseille Gunfight; On December 26, 1994, members of the Islamic armed group hijacked Air France Flight 8969 in an attempt to destroy the Eiffel Tower. When the plane arrived in Marseille, the intervention team of the French military police, GIGN, rushed into the plane and killed all four hijackers. 3 passengers died and 25 were injured.