On August 23, 1994, the K Foundation (Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty) burned £ 1 million in cash on the island of Jura in Scotland. This money represents most of the funds of the K Foundation, obtained by KLF, one of the most successful pop bands in the early 1990s in the UK, by Dragmond and Courty. The two never fully explained their motivation for burning. Gimpo, a collaborator of the K Foundation, recorded the incineration process using a Hi-8 camera. In August 1995, the movie "Watching the K Foundation Burning One Million Quiz" toured various parts of the British Isles, and Drummond and Courty engaged each audience in a debate about burning and its significance. In November 1995, the two promised to dissolve the K Foundation and not publicly discuss the burning incident for 23 years.