Courageous Cowardly Dog tells the life story of a pink timid little dog. When it was discovered by Muriel, it was named Courage. When he was still a baby, his veterinary appointment was the last time he saw his dog parents. That day, while the unborn Courage Baby was waiting in the waiting room, he sent his parents into space. Then the courage took to the streets. Afterwards, a woman named Muriel found the courage to take him back to his homeless home in Kansas, where he was with her despicable, rude, and irritable husband, Eustace Bagg. Since the horrific, terrifying, and supernatural events that occurred in nowhere to go, Courage has been monitoring us, but Courage is always ready to save Muriel and kick the butt of some villains, monsters, aliens, or zombies! Muster up courage! Author: CourageBagge [email protected] }