Nuclear energy - is that right? The thought-provoking insights into grassroots activists make them believe that the annoying nuclear energy is the future and the quickest way to escape the climate crisis. Gandhi once said a famous saying, "They first make fun of you, then fight with you, and then lose.". Taking inspiration from these words, a group of activists are launching a movement to make the skeptical world believe that nuclear energy is the fastest way to obtain coal from our energy system in the face of climate change. With cardboard signs, courage, love for climate, and thought-provoking facts, they attempted to persuade and persuade many opponents. But the fear of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plant accidents, as well as the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, enveloped them. But what if these concerns are unreasonable, such as the iPhone causing more life loss in traffic every year than nuclear energy? Since Pandora's nuclear box has already been opened, can we still close it again? Derived from: